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Half-Life Model Viewer
Half-Life Model Viewer v1.25
- (378 Kb, contains setup with viewer, full source code and mxToolKit)
Half-Life Model Viewer v1.24
Half-Life Models
(for fullscreen mode)
- g: toggle ground
- m: toggle mirror on ground
- b: toggle background
- s: toggle stencil buffer
- h: toggle hitboxes
- +: increase animation speed
- -: decrease animation speed
- 1: wireframe
- 2: flatshaded
- 3: smoothshaded
- 4: textured
- 5: more transparency
- 6: less transparency
- ESC: quit fullscreen
If you have problems with the 3dfx fullscreen mode, or the model viewer wants to
start with the 3dfx hardware, run "Half-Life Model Viewer Safe Mode".
Known bugs and limitations
- You just can load background/ground textures from 24-bit .tga, 8-bit .pcx,
8-bit .bmp, which have width/height with power of 2 (e.g. 128x64)
Added to version 1.24 (Oct 20 1999)
- Stop animation playing, previous frame, set frame, next frame
- Scale of mesh, scale of bones
Added to version 1.23 (Jul 06 1999)
- Just some bugfixes, if you don't have problems, there is no need for a
Added to version 1.22 (Jun 03 1999)
- Show attachment points (this can be useful for mod developers)
- Fixed default .tga extension in "Make Screenshot..."
(thanks to Nemesis from Aftershock
Productions for this report!)
- Added commandline support. You can view a model with "hlmv.exe
model.mdl". To add the right file association in windows, open the
windows explorer, right-click any .mdl file, choose "Open with...",
write a file extension description and choose "hlmv.exe" from your
installation directory (e.g. C:\Program Files\Half-Life Model Viewer\").
(thanks to Nemesis from Aftershock
Productions for this suggestion!)
Added to version 1.21 (May 5 1999)
- Better hitbox rendering
- Ported to Linux
Added to version 1.2 (Apr 29 1999)
- User adjustable file associations in pak file
(thanks to autolycus
from the Half-Life
ERC for his suggestion)
- Recent Models
- Recent PAK files
- removed stupid chrome bug
- Asynchronous sound playing
- Fixed bone rendering
Added to version 1.1 (Apr 26 1999)
- Model transparency
- Show bones
- Show complex hit boxes
- Select skin from skin families
- View/select model textures, change chrome effect, view-scale, import/export
tetxures, re-save model
- Improved bone controller stuff
- Modified PAK file viewer, you now can double-click items to load them
directly, or right-click for a popupmenu
- Play sound directly from PAK file
- Extract any file from PAK file
Added to version 1.0 (Apr 10 1999)
- View Half-Life Models
- PAK file support, load models directly from PAK files
- Use mouse for rotating (left-drag), zooming (right-drag) and x-y-panning (shift-left-drag)
- Wireframe, flatshaded, smoothshaded, textured (with chrome effects)
- Optional ground, mirror model on ground, optional background
- Selectable animation, adjustable animation speed
- Change submodel for each available bodypart
- Select bone controllers and adjust its value (open mouth, rotate head,
- Model info
- Fullscreen support, optionally for 3dfx with miniGL, user adjustable
- Load background texture, ground texture
- Change background color, ground color and light color
- Make .tga screenshot
- Portable to X11, because of mxToolKit
- Full source code available
Other MDL Viewers
MilkShape 3D
Create and edit models for games like Quake I, II, III, Half-Life, Unreal Tournament, including full animation! Or write your custom export plugin with the SDK!
MD2 Viewer
View Quake2 models directly from PAK files!