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MilkShape 3D Registration Page
What is Shareware? MilkShape 3D is shareware. This means that we have made the software available to you for free evaluation. The trial period is 30 days. After 30 days, if you decide to keep the software, you should register your copy with us for a small fee, otherwise all saving functions will be disabled.
What do I get, when I register MilkShape 3D?
How can I register MilkShape 3D? MilkShape 3D costs USD 35 or EUR 25. Depending on the country where you live and the exchange rate, one of them is cheaper for you. But feel free to choose the one, which suits you best. Have you tried the MilkShape 3D trial already to make sure it fits your needs? You will receive the registration code by email. Please make sure that you can receive emails from . PayPal get your registration code within 24-48 hours (EUR 25)
What's the registration fee?
The registration fee is US $35 or EUR 25 only! Choose the one, which is best for you! Don't send in coins or exchange in your local currency, unless you've asked before. Return Policy All purchases are final. Due to costly chargeback fees and the nature of trialware (try before you buy), refunds will not be accepted. Before purchasing this software, please download the MilkShape 3D trial and ensure that it meets your system requirements. |
© 2013 by Mete Ciragan |